Being a teenager is weird; the kinda weird where you aren't mature enough to take serious decisions but aren't even a child to just keep things funny.
Teenage is the part of life which most of them question about, well of course without any doubt it's a phase where people take you for granted, you got me right! sometimes even the people who mean the world to you can actually make you feel worthless. Here nobody cares about who you are or what you've done or either what you feel. Others don't care but you, yourself SHOULD care. Trust me what fricking matters here is WHAT YOU FEEL . Don't get me wrong some of the teenagers survive this limbo while others just give in. Prudently if you think you're a survivor then you should probably stop reading here. Without any ado, you lose your friends, the communication between you and your parents goes down and it reaches to a limit where you almost feel like you have so many people around you but you don't have someone who'd actually guide you through what you're facing currently.
There are a number of solutions for this but my advise is that find someone with whom you can share everything, someone who won't judge you for who you are, what you've done or about what your thoughts are regarding a particular issue. Now that choice of ' someone' is yours so choose wisely! It can be your Mom, your best friend or even your dog. Now if this doesn't work sit in front of a mirror and just let it out because if you keep storing it inside, it just damages your mental health. Sometimes you reach at a point in your life where you just stop feeling, you're literally blank about what's going on around you and this is the best part of all. Here you actually stop caring about something/someone that's been bothering you for a really long time.
Once you start sorting things out you'll actually see the principles on how your life actually works. Might sound stupid but writing is what I've gained through all this! Let your inner self discover more and make sure you put in efforts physically and mentally to keep yourself happy and cheerful because nobody is going to do that for you! Live it up to the fullest you never know what's out there waiting for you!
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